Mission and History

Our Mission

Through Dance and Musical Theater, we empower individuals to use their creativity and work collaboratively to connect to the world around them. Together in Dance builds community among students, families, educators, and other professionals who learn together so that the arts continue to be an integral part of their lives.

Our Vision


Each individual that works with Together in Dance will carry the experience of collaboration in the performing arts into their future and out to the world. We impact change by bringing people together to:

  • Express ideas through the arts

  • Share ideas and work collaboratively to create

  • Develop empathy and compassion

  • Value the performing arts

  • Think critically and self reflect


Our History

Organization incorporated by Jannas Zalesky as an S-Corp in New Jersey. Primary program is providing professional development workshop series to NYCDOE classroom teachers, dance educators, and physical educators. Also developed multi-year partnership with Brooklyn Museum

Begins offering Creative Movement residencies to public school communities

Begins offering Musical Theater residencies to public school communities

Becomes a 501(c)3 organization

Stage 1 pilot - Teaching Artist Mentoring Program. There are 8 Teaching Artists working in 6 schools

Jannas Zalesky retires as founding president, Roslyn Biskin and Karen Curlee become co-directors

Implement formalized Teaching Artist Mentoring and Professional Development program, first through Brooklyn Arts Council

Family Workshops partnership with Brooklyn Historical Society

First pilot of Programming for Older Adults. Together in Dance has 14 Teaching Artists working in 17 residencies through Brooklyn and Queens

Karen Curlee retires, Katie Palmer becomes Executive Director. Roslyn Biskin becomes Advisory Director